Instructional Aide - Blairsville
Job Title: Adult Education Instructional Aid
Job Code: 10218
Revised: 7-2017
Location: NGTC Shirley Miller Building (Blairsville)
Description: The Adult Education Instructional Aide assists instructors with providing education and/or training to technical college students.
Major Duties:
- Assists instructor with classroom presentations
- Assists instructor in maintaining an effective learning environment
- Completes documentation of student progress
- Performs various types of clerical tasks to assist instructor
- Prepares materials, exhibits, equipment and demonstrations
- Requests and maintains assigned classroom supplies, materials and equipment
- Tutors and assists individual students in the learning environment
- Skill in oral and written communication
- Knowledge of State Board Policies
- Ability to assist students individually or in groups
- Ability to maintain accurate records
- Ability to prepare lesson materials
- Ability to operate workroom machinery such as fax machines, copiers, scanners, shredders, etc.
Equal opportunity and decisions based on merit are fundamental values of the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG). The TCSG State Board prohibits discrimination on the basis of an individual’s age, color, disability, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, or veteran status (“protected status”). No individual shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation under, any TCSG program or activity because of the individual’s protected status; nor shall any individual be given preferential treatment because of the individual’s protected status, except the preferential treatment may be given on the basis of veteran status when appropriate under federal or state law.
North Georgia Technical College is an equal opportunity employer. All employment processes and decisions, including but not limited to hiring, promotion, and tenure shall be free of ideological tests, affirmations, and oaths, including diversity statements. The basis and determining factor for such decisions should be that the individual possesses the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with the role, and is believed to have the ability to successfully perform the essential functions, responsibilities, and duties associated with the position for which the person is being considered. At the core of any such decision is ensuring the institution’s ability to achieve its mission and strategic priorities in support of student success.
The following persons have been designated to manage inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Dr. Fran Chastain, Dean of Student Support and Engagement, Title IX Coordinator, Clegg Center 212, (706) 754-7855, and Kay Carroll, Student Support & Accessibility Services Coordinator (Section 504), Clegg Center 214, (706) 754-7828, at 1500 HWY 197 N, Clarkesville, GA 30523.