Behavioral Health Clinician-ACT (Dekalb/Fulton)
View Point Health is a community behavioral health center utilizing a team of psychiatrists, nurses, licensed counselors and social workers, and other professionals to provide services to individuals who need treatment and support to cope with mental illness, substance abuse, and intellectual and developmental disabilities. View Point Health serves uninsured, underinsured, low-income Medicaid, Medicare, war veterans and some private insurance across multiple locations with a full continuum of behavioral health services and support. The services provided by View Point Health contribute to the reduction in homelessness, reduction in crime and subsequent incarcerations, higher graduation rates, lower dropout rates, decreased ER visits and decreased inpatient admissions.
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) uses a multidisciplinary team approach to provide intensive mental health treatment services to individuals with severe and persistent mental illness in their homes and other community settings-24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. ACT is often referred to as a “hospital without walls” and its goal is to keep individuals out of state hospitals, jails, emergency rooms and other institutions. ACT clients have to meet a strict criterion (i.e. diagnosed with a severe and persistent mental illness, unable to maintain activities of daily living, and be unsuccessful in other forms of treatment). ACT clients often have no resources and no family support and require an intensive and expeditious form of treatment.
Behavioral Health Clinician-ACT (Dekalb/Fulton)
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